Lysa terkeurst bible studies
Lysa terkeurst bible studies

lysa terkeurst bible studies

Session 3: I AM the Light of the World (21:40)-This third session puts participants at Jacob's well where Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman.

lysa terkeurst bible studies

She reminds participants that only Jesus Himself can satisfy every craving of our soul.

  • Session 2: I AM the Bread of Life (15:40)-Lysa is in Capernaum during this session and discusses how important bread was in the life of the Jewish people during this time.
  • First came God's name, then came His promise.
  • Session 1: I AM (18:40)-In this introductory session, Lysa introduces the topic of I AM by looking in the book of Exodus where God talks to Moses through the burning bush.
  • Grow in biblical literacy with this exploration of the Gospel of John.
  • Trade feelings of emptiness for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is.
  • lysa terkeurst bible studies

  • Discover how Jesus is the key to satisfaction by learning the crucial significance behind each of His I AM statements.

    Find freedom in difficult circumstances by learning how to shift from “slave mentality” to “set free mentality.”.Six enriching teaching videos, approximately 15–20 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in Bible study book for individual streaming access.Four days, with an optional fifth day, of study within each week of personal study.Five weeks of personal study segments to complete between six weeks of group sessions.Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups.Join Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John, ultimately trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is in this in-depth Bible study. What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul just waiting to be fulfilled? The prayer you keep repeating without end? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.

    Lysa terkeurst bible studies